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By clicking "Place your order", you agree to the policies listed below.
Policies for DaySpring Arts & Education
Refund and Exchange Policy
No refunds will be given the day of the show unless you purchase Refund Protection. If you can no longer attend, notify the Box Office so they can give your ticket to someone on the waitlist.

All refunds and exchanges can be made by contacting the box office.
General Policies
You MUST purchase your tickets in the group you want to sit with. Once tickets are purchased, you cannot move seats. For this reason, we ask you to please purchase all your tickets together so we can minimize the need for social distancing and maximize the amount of patrons that can attend each show.
Once tickets are sold out, we will begin adding patrons to a Wait List. Any returned tickets will then go to those patrons on the Wait List. For more information on how to be added to the Wait List, contact the Box Office at